Tuesday, January 28, 2020

"Every adventure requires a first step." - Alice in Wonderland

In early 2016, Chase had attended a conference for church planters, where he felt God might be calling us to one day plant a church. A life-giving church that would awaken a city that changes the world. It was a God-given dream, but like most dreams, began as a small glimmer of light. We didn’t know where or when, but we started praying for God to lead our family into His will for our life.

That summer while on a Disney Babymoon, and pregnant with our second child, we began sharing with each other how we felt God was calling us to a new adventure. If we only had known the plans God was laying out before us. This was going to be something much bigger than we could have ever imagined. We talked about how the city of Orlando felt like home. It was more than just a vacation spot we enjoyed, it had become a city we loved. Each time we visited, we fell more in love with the city, its people, and its diverse culture. 

The next step in this journey brought us closer to pain, and what felt like further from the dream that we had been given. Upon facing the loss of a child, (for more on this click here), we were unsure of what our next step was. We were numb. Broken. We thought the dream we had been given was best left abandoned. But God stepped in and reminded us that this wasn’t just a dream we shared. It was a dream that he had given us, and that he wasn’t finished yet. He made our dream possible in August 2016, when we moved 7 hours away from the small town home we had known most of our lives, to the unfamiliar big city.

For the next 3 years, we would continue to serve in full-time ministry. We were happy, content, and living in the faithfulness of God. But it seemed He was leading us to now take a bolder step of faith. He was reigniting the dream of planting a life-giving church. And this time, we knew where and when.

The dream is not only to plant a church, but to lead a community of people that would unapologetically reach the least, the last, and the lost for Jesus. A community that desires to see the city of Orlando made alive in Christ. A community that desires to see others come to know the hope and love we share. A community that echoes the statements Jesus made in Matthew 25:40. 

Our desire is to be a church alive to see a city made alive in Christ. Our mission is to lead the least, the last, and the lost into a relationship with Jesus. We long to reach the forgotten and marginalized, the lost and far from God. We’re for the orphan and the widow. We’re for those in prison and the ones no one is reaching. Our heart is for all people. We desire to bring the broken home, give the hurting hope, and cast out a place to belong. All are welcome to come on the journey.

We would love to have you come on board with us through this journey! Whether it is by joining the launch team (click here to sign up), backing us financially, or committing to circle us in prayer as stated in 1 Timothy 2:1; there are so many ways you can be a part of awakening this city.  If you would like more information you can email us at connect@cityalive.church 

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